Tuesday, October 13, 2009


He's finally home. He was able to get an earlier flight out of Dallas. He called me from Dallas and said he was about to get on the next flight... which gave me about an hour before he'd land in Austin.

So after a frantic gathering of the younger twosome, a quick run over to school to grab the older twosome and then it was off to the airport. I'd made a welcome home sign before hand and stashed it in the back of the Disco. I didn't tell them where we were going before but Child #1 is sharp and she figured it out. Thankfully she caught the look about keeping quiet about it.

Because of the rules about gate security we had to wait outside the terminal at the top of the stairs from the baggage claim. And of course the airport security guard kept staring at us like we were gonna rush her station and do "something". Yeah I'm there to create havoc and destruction on your airport with my four small children... wait a minute... okay you got me there. My four little hooligans are there to destroy the airport.

I can't believe I forgot to take any pictures of them standing there waiting with the welcome sign. DUH!!

We got there a little bit before his flight landed (few minutes delayed) so we got to watch lots of other people walk by. At one point a man in ACUs walked by and the Wee One Child #4 stared at him watching him walk by, she kept watching him intently trying to make sure he wasn't Daddy. So of course she was turned facing the wrong way when he did come walking up. The kids totally mobbed him hugging on him. Again I forgot to take any pictures. Double DUH! I of course had to wait my turn to get a hug... several minutes later.

But now he's home... for two weeks. Such few precious moments before he has to return.

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