Saturday, October 3, 2009

Marathon Kids

For four years now we've done Marathon Kids. I have to say that this year was the most disorganized year to date. Every year they have called everyone down by grade. Why they always started with fifth grade, then fourth, then third... then kinder, first grade and finally second. Why have the oldest start first never made any sense to me. Yeah have the youngest kids with the shortest attention span wait longer than older kids who have patience.

Yeah that makes A LOT of sense... NOT!

This time instead of having everyone sitting in the sections by school (per previous years) and calling everyone down by grade is was done by section only. Which turned into a free for all. VERY POORLY planned!

This year thankfully we didn't have the heat to deal with like two years ago but it was misty rain most of the time. The only time it wasn't rain... when they were doing the non-stop speeches. While I understand how much work it takes honestly a bunch of elementary students just don't have the patience to sit through 45 minutes of speeches... most of which you couldn't really hear anyways.

And they only had the kids run 3/4 of the lap this time, in the past they did almost 2 laps. Really didn't feel like much of a run for them.

Kids enjoyed it which is what is important...

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