Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It just keeps on coming...

After a week of revival... the fridge died. It is 57 degrees inside... soo not the 40 degrees its suppose to be.

So I went in search of a new fridge. Kind of cheap because after the past summer of dying appliances and super high electric bills... having 60+ days of triple digit heat and the rest of the summer days being in the upper 90s just kills having a low energy bill... there just isn't lots of extra fundage around.

So I found a fridge but they can't deliver it before Friday. Nice, everything that is salvageable is currently in the big ice chest. We'll see how much that is in the ice chest is still salvageable on Friday. I moved as much of the frozen stuff as I could into the garage freezer. The stuff in the freezer seems to be keeping froze and hasn't started to thaw but I moved all the meat and just left basically the gallon of Blue Bell Vanilla ice cream. Better that than the almost $100 worth of meat. Sadly we lost quite a bit of fruit... a large container of strawberries and a large container of raspberries, a bunch of asparagus and lettuce, a gallon of milk, a quart of 1/2 & 1/2 and a quart of buttermilk. A large container of sour cream and a bunch of yogurt cups. Lots of dairy that I just don't trust to be okay.

Seriously, how many more electrical appliances do I need to replace? In the past 5 months I've replaced the battery in the truck, the stereo tuner in the living room, the washer & dryer, the microwave, the phone, the modem and now the fridge. Enough all ready!! We're hemorrhaging money here!!

Sadly the funds that just replaced the fridge were set aside for two special items I'd been wanting to buy for a while... bunkbeds for the #2 and #3 hooligans' room and a Wii for the family. Guess I'll have to wait a couple more months to buy those now...

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