Friday, June 3, 2011

I feel so lost...

Yesterday while doing the marathon food shopping spree... Costco, Petsmart and HEB... my iPhone went missing. Of course I noticed when we left Costco that my battery was nearly dead so when I coudn't find it... calling it didn't help when it went straight to voicemail.

Great, the battery's dead. So I can't even try to track it down by the ringing.

I couldn't remember how I could have lost it until just as I was about to fall asleep... I remembered that my phone rang while we were at HEB. It was Child #1's BFF so I'd just handed her the phone to take the call.

So this morning I asked Child #1 if she remembered what she did with my phone after she finished with her conversation with BFF K...

"I put it in the cart next to your purse".

Sigh, well that would explain why I couldn't remember laying it down somewhere. All I can figure is it must have fallen out of the cart somewhere in the store.

UGH! And of course its been a while since I synced my phone. So I've lost a bunch of new contact numbers and basically all the pictures on my phone for the past two months.


So what is the likelihood someone will turn in a lost iPhone... probably not so good.

I feel so lost, I use my phone as a calendar, a camera, a clock and of course email/internet contact...

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