Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another one lost to an unnecessary evil in the world.

Breast cancer took another friend... though she preferred to say she was "Passing on the Torch" not losing the battle to cancer.

I was lucky to met her though another friend. She was that fun next door neighbor you always dream of having.

She was a beautiful, vibrant, amazing, funny, exciting, kind, passionate, generous, fierce, loving, sensitive woman with a wicked sense of humor. OH how she loved to laugh and make those around her laugh. She had that ability to know what those around her needed to feel better. Such a rare and wonderful gift.

Her smile went all the way to her eyes. Always. She was gorgeous is the purest sense of the word. It came from her heart into her smile and out through the rest of her.

Michelle just... was.

Honestly, you can put any positive descriptive word after was and that would be appropriate.

She was misdiagnosed for over 2 years and when push came to shove after demanding a mammogram at the age of 33... Stage 3C. She fought for 5+ years over 2 years of it with a Stage 4C "terminal" label.

She didn't want to "waste" her cancer. She wanted it to mean something. So she lived life and helped to raise over $122,000 for the Susan Komen for the Cure with her team "Michelle's Angels".

She loved UT Longhorns. I don't know if I'll every be able to see a UT longhorns shirt without thinking about her. I think she was always wearing one every time I saw her over the last year.

She loved her best friend and husband of 11 years Brad.

She loved her 7 year old son Reid. Her miniature little clone of Brad.

She loved life. Her motto was "Eat Life with a Big Spoon". And she did.

Michelle lived and now we must all live without her.

It just seems wrong...

Photo by Claire McAdams Photography in Austin Tx.

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