Thursday, November 18, 2010

I have been getting the daily countdown...

Only a week until... only 5 more days... only 4 more days... only two more days until...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1

This is going to be hard. I don't know if Child #3 is ready to see Deathly Hallows. Each of the movies has gotten darker and darker themed as they go, very much like the books. I'm not sure if he's ready to watch it. He is only six. Admittedly he is a strong six who isn't easily frightened or scared. Especially by movies. He is known to tell me "its not real, its just a movie". While I love that about him I also don't want to push it. But he wants to see it soooooo bad. He is sooo excited about it. More that Child #1 and Child #2 combined... and Child #2 wants to see Voldermort (his favorite) really bad.

Maybe I'll take Child #1, who isn't frightened by movies... she LOVED the orcs (eeew they are ucky!!) in Lord of the Rings and the "boneheads" (skeletons) in Pirates of the Caribbean when she was three, to see it first and I'll be able to decide if Child #2 and Child #3 would be able to handle it in the movie theatre or if we should wait until it is released on DVD. Easier to cover eyes when you know whats about to happen ahead of time.

We shall see, we shall see.

Only one more day...

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