Friday, July 24, 2009

Today was a good day...

Lunch at Terra Burger w/ friends.

Ice Cream at Thai Fresh (AWESOME Jam!!).

Looked at fish at Petsmart.

Went to HPBooks.

Kids played in the sprinkler.

Child#4 wanted to "sleep wif yous" so we did.

Now quiet house & a glass of wine... it was a Good Day.

Monday, July 20, 2009

And so it begins...

I slowly poke my toe into the blogging world. We shall see how well I really do with this.

Can I blog, tweet, facebook, read tons of emails, AND "single parent" (Hubby is halfway around the world in Afghanistan) four small children under that age of 9? Along with 5 cats, 1 dog, 2 parakeets, 1 guinea pig and more fish tanks than there should be in one household... while keeping said household clean... okay we won't worry about the cleanliness too much... will we?

I won't look at your floor if you won't look at mine.


Because you know a non-sticky crumb less floor is highly overrated. Honestly, who really needs to be able to walk across a room without having funky grit stick to your feet. Socks are great. Slippers even better. Actually I keep most of the floors pretty clean I just HATE doing the kitchen floors.

Honestly, they look like hell within 15 minutes of doing them. The only time they look great for longer than 15 minutes is when I do them late at night. Then the hooligans destroy it when they get up in the morning.

Between the gallon of milk or the jug of apple cider that doesn't make it INTO the cup by Child #3 (the almost 5 yr old boy), Child #4's (the 3 year old girl) obsession with dumping the sugar bowl on the floor, the crumbles that don't stay in the mouths because they chew like horses... actually I think horses are tidier... the dirt tracked in from the backyard especially child #2 (the 6 yr old boy) who usually has pockets full of dirt, rocks, pebbles and other bit so flora and fauna that should remain outside and Child #1 (the 8 yrs old girl) who has the propensity for tearing/cutting paper into little bits and "saving" them... is it any wonder my kitchen floor looks like hell???

But enough of my floor...